Moving forward- into phase 3

Jan to May was phase one (getting rolling after the launch), May to Sept phase two (figuring out where we were heading… and to whom… and figuring out logistics of how to make things run smoothly) and now phase three is upon me as I gather together all I have learned and make plans for winter and the new year.

I have been lucky enough to be working with Small Business BC (an amazing and valuable resource) and taking part in webinars on business planning, social media improvement, export challenges, business planning and more. I also have received some help from Women’s Enterprise Centre who helped answer lots of questions about how to move forward. Thank you to both associations; I am very grateful. Steep learning curves for me- but people are so helpful and kind.

The BCAMT (Association of Math Teachers) Conference in Surrey last week helped start the ball rolling in starting to get the book/program into mainstream schools as Intervention and help for either final year elementary students (so G7) or first year secondary school students (so G8/G8+)- and the conversations I had with many senior educators and teachers about this was very exciting; also some exciting developments with Canadian military bases have happened- as the book can be a big help to families who have to travel around and change schools regularly as part of the role.

So the next few weeks, I have a lot to think about- to try to improve my understanding of social media marketing (not my strong point, to say the least), getting further advice on IP protection, and generally how to move this project forward further.

Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the people who have helped me to get to this stage- whether it be business advice, parents passing the word, parents sending testimonials, schools feeding back their thoughts, and for teachers at conferences who seek me out to say they have heard about my book. Onwards and upwards… and Happy Halloween!